Resources – Conservative Friends
An important part of being involved with politics and government is staying informed. The 47th would like to suggest that you visit the following websites, and if interested, join as a member, subscribe to their newsletters, or otherwise learn from their information. At least, rest assured that there are plenty of conservative groups to help promote our ideals. If you know of another organization we should add to the list, please notify us at ““.
This is a work in progress. Details on the organizations below will be filled in over time.
Initiatives and Referendum Measures
Washington Secretary of State – This page lists the current initiatives and referendum measures.
Local/Regional Organizations
ChangeWA – ChangeWA is a non-partisan 501(c)(4) organization focused on advancing common sense governance built around smart growth, public safety, government accountability and good governance throughout Washington state. ChangeWA is focused on livability and accountability across the Evergreen State by holding local and statewide public officials accountable.
Citizens Alliance for Property Rights – CAPR was organized in 2003 as a non-partisan political action committee for the purpose of supporting the rights of property owners. The organization lobbies the legislature in Olympia on such topics as property taxes, water rights, and burdensome regulations. They educate citizens on related bills, candidate positions, and related media.
Conservative Ladies of Washington – CLW promotes women speaking up for freedom, rights, family, and country. The “Conservative Sisterhood” works to build a community to encourage, empower, and energize women.
Future 42 – With a mission to “change the course of Washington”, Future 42 (because WA is the 42nd state in the Union) is building a diverse and engaged community of Washingtonians to fuel a wave of empowerment.”
Informed Choice WA – Since 2015, this group of parents, families, medical professionals, and educators has been an advocate for vaccine policy reform based on scientific integrity, informed consent, and individual medical freedom of choice.
Informed Parents of Washington – The IPW is a coalition of parents dedicated to fighting inappropriate sex education in our schools and opposing legislation that impinges upon parental rights.
Mainstream Republicans of Washington – Providing a voice for moderate Republicans within the GOP, this organization follows Ronald Reagan’s inclusive view of the party that both conservative and moderate Republicans should have a place at the table.
My Family My Choice – Parent-run organization addresses major Washington state legislation that affects your rights as a parent, and informs you of actions that need to be taken to prevent and stop government intrusion into your parental rights.
Restore Washington – The mission of this organization is to create a large, organized network across Washington State to keep the governor, legislature, and bureaucracy in Olympia in check through the initiative and referendum processes. View and download current petitions and volunteer to gather signatures.
Shift Washington – This conservative news organization reports on political news across the state, focused on “left-wing silliness” in Olympia. In their words, they “exist to inform, cajole, and uncover, all with a dose of fun.”
Washington Civil Rights Association – The foundation for this organization is the protection of your individual right to live, by protecting your Second Amendment rights. The organization claims to be a-political and non-aligned with any political party.
Washington Coalition for Open Government – This independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization works through the courts and legislature to defend and strengthen Washington’s open government laws to improve transparency and accountability.
Washington Election Integrity Coalition United – WEiCU (pronounced “We See You”) is a Washington non-profit, comprised of election integrity investigators, data analytic specialists, and cyber security experts, focused on election integrity and committed to transparent, trackable, secure, and publicly verified elections.
Washington Gun Rights – WGR is a non-profit advocacy organization fighting to maintain and restore the Second Amendment rights of all Washington citizens. They employ initiatives, legislation, and litigation to obtain 100% firearms liberty.
Washington Policy Center – The WPC is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) research and educational organization dealing with budget and taxes, environment, health care, education, small business, and transportation. They also maintain the WashingtonVotes website (see below).
Washington State Senate Republican Caucus – The SRC believes that government should be held accountable to the taxpayers, that budgets adopted by the legislature should be fiscally responsible and sustainable, and that the best government encourages citizens’ rights and responsibilities.
Washington Veterans Vote – Founded by veterans, Washington Veterans Vote is a tax-exempt (501(c)(4)) advocacy organization doing outreach to veterans to improve voter turnout, and endorsing local, state, and federal political candidates who support veterans and their families, the Constitution, and a strong national security.
Washington Votes – Washington Votes gives you instant access to concise and objective descriptions of every single bill, amendment, and vote that takes place in the Washington legislature. Unlike other bill tracking utilities, Washington Votes includes all legislative actions described – not just those selected by a particular interest group. It is searchable by legislator, keyword, and some 50 subject categories, so you can create your own custom “voting record guide”.
We the Governed – Founded and written by conservative citizen activist, Glen Morgan, this blog informs and educates readers on a variety of Washington State political and administrative topics. Through the site, Glen addresses issues like campaign finance laws (and violations), state whistleblower reports, tax and other financial fraud, and bureaucratic bungling. While serious in nature, Glen always delivers information with a twist of sarcasm and humor.
Women of Washington – The mission for “WOW” is to educate women and inspire confidence to articulate our core values and the virtue’s of America’s founding principles. Women of Washington is an educational organization with a focus on understanding local, national, and global issues that are critical to our world today.
National Conservative Organizations
ACT! for America – Founded in 2002 by author/activist Brigitte Gabriel, non-profit ACT! for America is dedicated to educating Americans about the threat of radical Islam and promoting American democratic principles.
Advancing American Freedom – This 501(c)(4) organization was founded by former vice president Mike Pence. Focused on American culture, opportunity, and leadership, their mission is to promote foundational principles and proven policies to fight for freedom and prosperity.
Alliance Defending Freedom – Launched in 1994, the ADF has grown into the world’s largest legal organization committed to defending and protecting religious freedom, freedom of speech, the sanctity of life, and the institutions of marriage and family.
America First Policy Institute – (AFPI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan research institute. AFPI exists to advance policies that put the American people first with guiding principles of liberty, free enterprise, national greatness, American military superiority, foreign-policy engagement in the American interest, and the primacy of American workers, families, and communities.
American Conservative Union – Better known as “CPAC”, this 501(c)(3) organization was established to educate Americans about how conservative principles and policies simply work better to solve societal problems and promote good governance. CPAC is famous for their Congressional Ratings and their annual convention.
American Cornerstone Institute – Founded by former HUD Secretary and famous neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, the ACI is a conservative, faith-based organization which promotes commonsense solutions to American society’s great issues. Their goal is to secure the USA as a beacon of hope and freedom for generations to come.
American Enterprise Institute – The American Enterprise Institute is a public policy think tank dedicated to defending human dignity, expanding human potential, and building a freer and safer world. The work of their scholars and staff advances ideas rooted in democracy, free enterprise, American strength and global leadership, solidarity with those at the periphery of our society, and a pluralistic, entrepreneurial culture.
American Legislative Exchange Council – The American Legislative Exchange Council is a nonprofit organization of conservative state legislators and private sector representatives who draft and share model state-level legislation for distribution among state governments in the United States.
American Majority – This 501(c)(3) conservative nonprofit organization trains, organizes, mobilizes, and equips grassroots conservative leaders. They promote meaningful, lasting political change starting not in Washington DC, but at state and local levels, where most actual government decisions and spending occurs.
American Minority Engagement Network – AMEN is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization established in 2021 that promotes conservative values and principles including free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional values, and a strong national defense to minority communities through outreach and education.
American Policy Center – The American Policy Center is one of the original organizations to dedicate its mission to stopping the enforcement of the United Nations’ Agenda 21 in order to preserve American property rights. APC is especially focused on property rights battles, protecting the rights of homeowners and small business owners.
American Principles Project – This conservative organization, founded in 2009, engages directly in campaigns and advocates for legislation on behalf of the family. They were one of the first major groups to oppose and repeal “Common Core” education standards, and are currently fighting against Marxist/racist “CRT” invading our schools.
American Thinker
Americans For Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform – Founded in 1985 by Grover Norquist at the request of President Reagan, the organization is dedicated to promoting a tax system which is simpler, flatter, more transparent, and lower than our current system. Since the government’s power over individuals is primarily determined by its power to tax, minimizing federal taxation will reduce government power over your life.
America’s Frontline Doctors – America’s Frontline Doctors is a civil liberties organization with a mission to provide the public with independent information from the world’s top experts in medicine and law. They strive to empower with facts, protect health, and provide for the exercise of inalienable and Constitutionally guaranteed rights.
Bill of Rights Institute – Established in September 1999, the Bill of Rights Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization that has engaged, educated, and empowered over 5 million students and over 50,000 teachers with the message of the Founders. We have increased their knowledge of the Constitution and their commitment to protecting the liberties we enjoy as Americans.
BLEXIT – The BLEXIT movement was created to educate and enlighten minorities to encourage freedom of thought, independence in voting, and economic opportunities. Founded by Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens, the organization encourages minorities to leave (thus, “black exit” or “BLEXIT”) the Democrat party.
Center for American Liberty – Founded by conservative First Amendment attorney, Harmeet Dhillon, CAL is committed to defending the civil rights of Americans and to legally combating illegal discrimination at many levels, be it by major corporations, powerful governments, or prominent people who believe they may infringe the rights of others with impunity.
Center for Renewing America – The mission of this organization is to renew a consensus of America as a nation under God with unique interests worthy of defending, that flow from its people, institutions, and history, where individuals’ enjoyment of freedom is predicated on just laws and healthy communities.
Center for Self Governance – This non-profit, non-partisan educational organization is dedicated to reinstating “layer cake federalism“, elevating state constitutions, and educating citizens on government and rights.
Citizen University – From its inception in 2012, this organization is dedicated to providing civics education to the public. The goal is to overcome hyper-partisanship, coarsening cynicism, and rampant incivility through information about the true nature of our founding, our country, and our government.
Citizens Against Government Waste
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms – This organization is dedicated to protecting firearms rights through educating grass root activists, the public, legislators, and the media. They offer programs designed to help all Americans understand the importance of the Second Amendment and its role in keeping Americans free.
Citizens United – Dedicated to restoring government to citizens’ control. Citizens United is known for producing high-impact, sometimes controversial, but always fact-based documentaries on topics of political relevance. CU is most prominent for the lawsuit filed by the Federal Elections Commission which sought to limit corporate speech. Fortunately, the Supreme Court sided with CU in its landmark 2010 decision that upholds the right of corporations and other groups to First Amendment rights.
Civics Alliance – Civics Alliance is dedicated to restoring true civics instruction, which teaches American students to comprehend aspects of American government such as the rule of law, the Bill of Rights, elections, elected office, checks and balances, equality under the law, trial by jury, grand juries, civil rights, and military service.
Color Us United – Advocating for a Race-Blind America, this organization strives to build unity, secure freedom, and equality. Initiatives include fighting CRT in schools, race-based policies in medicine and government, and corporate “wokeness” seeking to divide Americans based on race.
Committee to Unleash Prosperity – Founded by economists Steve Moore, Art Laffer, and Steve Forbes, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity promotes free-market principles, an optimistic vision for the future of the American economy, limited and responsible government, and a new flat tax system.
Convention of States – Convention of States is a non-profit organization founded with the intent of invoking Article V of the US Constitution to call a convention for proposing amendments that limit the power of the federal government. More specifically, the operative language in the legislation stipulates that amendment proposals be limited to three subject areas: Imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and imposing term limits on federal government officials.
Cooper Management Institute – Seattle-area native Bill Cooper prepares candidates for success with courses on becoming a candidate, campaign management, campaign strategy, and PCO activities.
Eagle Forum
Educational Liberty Alliance – The mission for this organization is to build a national network of teachers and parents who support freedom of thought and expression, so our nation’s K-12 schools produce independent thinkers prepared to address society’s complex challenges.
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Family Research Council
Federalist Society
Firearms Policy Coalition – With members in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, this nonprofit public interest legal organization is focused on protecting our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, along with defending free speech, due process, and privacy. FPC fights against unlawful searches and seizures, asset forfeiture, and government overreach.
For Kids and Country – The mission of this organization is to unite, educate, engage, and empower parents, teachers, students, and citizens in the fight to restore America’s schools and culture.
Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership – The FACL is a teaching/training organization focused on educating conservative activists. Subjects covered include: “Campaign planning”, “Constitutional carry”, “Principles of leadership”, “Marketing techniques”, and much more.
Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression – FIRE is a non-partisan defender of free speech, and an advocate for this fundamental human right. Formerly focused on students and faculty members at America’s colleges and universities, FIRE has expanded their purview across American culture. FIRE is focused on three pillars: advocacy, education, and mobilization. They advertise, litigate, and lobby on behalf of your First Amendment right to free speech.
Freedom Foundation
Freedom Watch
Gun Owners of America – GOA is a non-profit lobbying organization founded in 1976 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA has a nationwide network of attorneys to help fight court battles to protect gun owner rights in almost every state.
Heritage Foundation
Hillsdale College – This private institution takes no government funding. Hillsdale provide students with a conservative, tradidional education that pursues knowledge of the highest things, like insights into the nature of God and man, constitutional government, US history, and more. Many courses are free and can be taken online.
Judicial Watch
Leadership Institute – Founded in 1979 by Morton Blackwell, the Leadership Institute provides training for conservatives in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organizing, youth politics, and communications.
Libertas Institute – This non-profit think tank’s mission is “to change hearts, minds, and laws to build a freer society by creating and implementing innovative policy reforms and exceptional educational resources”. Publisher of the conservative children’s book series, “The Tuttle Twins“.
Media Research Center
Moms for America – Since 2004, Moms for America has promoted love of liberty, countering the radical influence of radical feminism. Their goal is to reclaim the culture for truth, family, community, freedom, and the Constitution.
Moms for Liberty – Founded by two mothers concerned about their children’s education, the mission of the organization is to unite parents to hold school boards accountable, promote teaching the principles of liberty, and activating like-minded leaders to serve in elected positions.
My Faith Votes – This non-partisan movement motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote, to transform communities, and influence the nation based on Biblical principles.
National Association for Gun Rights – With an expanding membership of 4.5 million activists, NAGR works to halt the radical anti-gun agenda nationwide. Their strategies include holding legislators accountable for anti-Second Amendment views, educating the public on gun-related legislation, and advocating for gun owner rights.
National Federation of Conservative Women – Since 1938, the NFRW has engaged, educated, and empowered conservative women in leadership, community organizations, and politics/government. This grassroots organization conducts training, recruits Republican candidates, helps protect the integrity of the electoral process, and promotes the principles of the Republican party.
Our America – Their purpose is to unite communities around a sense of pride in America and what makes America flourish: patriotism, freedom of expression, equal opportunity, mutual respect, and civility.
Pacific Justice Institute
Parents Against Critical Theory – PACT is a grassroots advocacy and outreach organization that is adamantly opposed to Critical Race Theory in all forms. Founded in 2020, PACT promotes awareness about CRT’s regressive, divisive, and destructive ideology in our schools, businesses, and society at large. They also promote freedom of speech and diversity of thought as fundamental structures of a free society that should always be protected and celebrated.
Parents Defending Education – This national grassroots organization is working to reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas. Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, they are fighting indoctrination in the classroom — and for the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids.
Parents’ Rights in Education – Established in 2011, PRIE works to empower parents to secure better education for children in public schools toward ensuring academic success. They oppose and expose radical agendas in schools, like CRT, graphic and inappropriate sex topics, gender fluidity, and socialist/communist ideology.
Patriot Academy – Educating citizens to analyze legislation and issues through the lens of the liberty principles found in the Declaration and Constitution. Excellent courses on understanding and defending the Constitution.
Prager University – PragerU promotes American values through the creative use of educational videos that reach millions of people online. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, PragerU offers a free alternative to the dominant left-wing ideology in culture, media, and education. View over a thousand videos on the PragerU YouTube channel.
Public Interest Legal Foundation – The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public interest law firm dedicated to election integrity. The Foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections. Drawing on numerous experts in the field, PILF protects the right to vote and preserves the Constitutional framework of American elections through litigation, investigation, research, and education.
RAIR Foundation USA – “Rise, Align, Ignite, Reclaim” is the mantra for this grassroots organization whose mission is to reclaim our Republic from those individuals and groups waging war on Americans, our Constitution, our sovereignty, and our core values. – Launched in 2022, this conservative organization (a project of the Coolidge Reagan Foundation) deals with criminal justice defense of citizens when matters of free speech or other Constitutionally protected activities are attempted to be criminalized by government.
Right on Crime – Since 2007, this national campaign of the Texas Public Policy Foundation has supported conservative solutions for reducing crime, restoring victims, reforming offenders, and lowering taxpayer costs. The goals include changing public safety policies to produce the best possible results at the lowest possible cost.
Save Our Schools – Founded by Heritage Action for America, this organization’s purpose is to oppose and stop the teaching of “critical race theory” in public schools. Great resources for parents and community members who want to keep this divisive and dangerous ideology from being forced on our children.
Second Amendment Foundation – The SAF is dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms by way of educational and legal action programs designed to better inform the public about the gun control debate.
Silent Majority Foundation – This Pasco, WA based grass-roots organization was founded to defend the Constitution through education, advocacy, and litigation. The stated core of their mission is God and Country. Currently filing lawsuit to counter vaccination mandate in King County.
Stand for America – Ambassador to the UN and former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, founded Stand for America with the mission of promoting policies that protect freedom at home and strength abroad.
Stand for Health Freedom – SHF is building an infrastructure to educate citizens and for citizens to educate their lawmakers. SHF has an estimated reach of one million advocates who are pro-informed consent, pro-democracy, pro-debate, pro-information exchange, pro-First Amendment, pro-science, pro-parental rights, pro-bodily sovereignty, and pro-conscientious decision-making.
Tea Party Patriots – Tea Party Patriots Action’s mission is to equip Americans with the resources and training they need to be engaged citizens and effective activists. Their vision is for a nation where individual liberty is cherished and maximized, where the Constitution is revered and upheld, and where Americans are free to pursue their American Dream.
Terra Firma Teaching Alliance – This group of K-12 teachers, alarmed at the rise of illiberal agendas in education, is working to restore integrity and quality to the teaching profession. They reject divisive and identity-based frameworks for learning, seek to rebuild a healthy civic culture, use best practices in teaching, and restore parental moral authority over their children’s education.
The 1776 Project – This political action committee was founded to help communities nationwide to elect school board members who want to reform our public education system by promoting patriotism and pride in American history. They are committed to abolishing critical race theory and “The 1619 Project” from the public school curriculum.
True The Vote – Founded in 2009, True The Vote is focused on free and fair elections through activism, lawsuits, legislation, and education. The foundation of a Constitutional Republic is a voting system that is accurate, legal, and valid.
Truth for Health Foundation – The Truth for Health Foundation is committed to providing truthful, balanced, medically sound, research-based information, and cutting edge updates on prevention and treatment of common medical conditions. Especially important given the questionable veracity or politicization of medical claims by government agencies.
Turning Point USA – The mission for Turning Point USA is to educate students about the importance of freedom, fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government. This important organization is a community activist focused on young voters with a conservative viewpoint.
United States Justice Foundation – Since 1979, this conservative non-profit, public-interest organization has been dedicated to instruct, inform, and educate the public on, and take legal actions regarding significant issues confronting America.
WalkAway – The #WalkAway Campaign is dedicated to bringing Americans together to #WalkAway from intolerance and societal discord; to leave identity politics behind; and to walk towards unity, civility, respect, and the American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. Ask your Democrat friends to watch the videos of others who are waking up to reject their liberal brainwashing. and
We The Patriots USA – Founded to protect religious freedom, medical freedom, parental rights, educational freedom, First and Second Amendment rights, free enterprise/capitalism, veterans rights, and environmental and food safety.
Young America’s Foundation – This organization is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. YAF provides conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers to groups of young people nationwide.
Young Republican National Federation – The Young Republicans was established in 1856! It was created to reach out to registered Republicans, 18-40 years of age, and provide them with information related to politics and issues. The YRNF recruits, trains, and mobilizes young conservatives to support their conservative values.
Other National Resources
Local/State Government Entities
City of Auburn
City of Covington
City of Kent
King County
Washington State Legislature
Washington State Public Disclosure Commission – The PDC is the state agency tasked with regulating candidates, campaigns, and lobbyists. One key function they provide is monitoring candidates/campaigns regarding donations and expenditures.